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Reasons to Go with AESU For Your Next Trip 

Reasons to Go with AESU For Your Next Trip 

If you’re not exactly sure how to plan your trip and want the convenience and organization of a tour group, then you’re in the right place.

In the travel world, providing a high-quality customer experience is essential for everyone involved. If you’re not exactly sure how to plan your trip and want the convenience and organization of a tour group, then you’re in the right place. If you are considering going on an organized tour with AESU and would like to know about the benefits of traveling with a tour group across the world, read on to learn more!

All the Details Are Sorted Out for You

Whether you’re traveling alone or like the convenience of not having to spend ages online deciding where to stay and which form of transportation to take, group travel tours can be a total lifesaver. While there are a lot of people who enjoy travel planning and creating binders full of travel information, others just want to get out there and see the world. This is where an organized tour from AESU comes in handy – everything is plotted and planned, just hop aboard to enjoy the ride!

There Is Still Time to Do Your Own Thing

Just because you are setting off on a trip with a group of other people, it doesn’t mean you’ll be attached at the hip at all times. In fact, if you go on a trip with AESU, you are welcome to your own rooms, and there is free time on the schedule to do your own thing. Depending on your trip, you will have free time in many different cities and towns. This is the ideal time to look for attractions that appeal to you specifically.

There’s Safety in Numbers

Traveling alone can be a bit daunting. There are many people who feel the pull of last-minute solo trips but don’t feel that safe going on vacation alone, especially those who are single. In general, the idea of group travel is smart for this reason. You simply book your spot and meet up with a bunch of other excited travelers, and then you get to enjoy the safety of numbers while you’re on the road.

It is More Affordable

Group trips make more sense as well since they’re more affordable. Group travel companies like AESU can obtain great deals for lodging and transportation, so it just makes sense if you’re on a bit of a budget to travel with us!

Explore the World with AESU!

Are you ready to plan the adventure of a lifetime? AESU offers unique, thrilling travel programs for college students and young professionals at affordable rates. Each trip is action-packed and informal—designed just for people your own age. We are also able to design custom tours just for your group.

Experience an exhilarating adventure! A few 2024 dates are still available at Check out our most popular trips: the Flavors of Ireland and Ciao Italy tours! If you have any questions or want help booking your next adventure, please contact AESU by calling 800-638-7640, or fill out the contact form found on our website. Follow AESU on FacebookX (formerly known as Twitter)InstagramLinkedIn, and Pinterest.

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