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Studying Abroad vs Traveling After Graduation: The Pros and Cons

Studying Abroad vs Traveling After Graduation: The Pros and Cons

As fun as it can be traveling abroad for a semester, what about traveling right after you graduate?

We’ve all seen the social media posts from those we know studying abroad. Instagram posts telling the stories of relaxing weekends spent sipping wine in Madrid, gallivanting across the Italian coast, or spending fall days in Amsterdam because when you’re studying abroad, nine times out of ten, your grades aren’t going to factor into your GPA at your university that much. As fun as it can be traveling abroad for a semester, what about traveling right after you graduate? There are a few pros and cons to both, and we’re here to talk about them. Read on to learn more!

The Pros of Traveling Abroad for a Semester

Studying abroad for a semester is one of the most memorable and fun experiences you can ever have. You can get excellent language experience by studying abroad and living with a host family. Getting fully immersed in the culture is also quite memorable, as it is something you might not get to fully experience when you’re constantly on the go during a regular vacation. You also have a much better chance of making lifelong friends while studying abroad.

The Pros of Traveling After Graduation

As wonderful as studying abroad is, you will be locked into studying and your routine of going to class. As great as it will be to make new friends and get accustomed to the culture, you will be mostly locked into the school setting. Traveling after graduation means your focus can be solely on traveling without the distraction of anything else. Finances can be a concern while studying abroad, since you won’t be working while in another country for school. You can also do it for an affordable price post-graduation by going on a guided tour trip from AESU. During a post-graduation trip, you can be on the go as long as you’d want, rather than only being in the country for a set of weeks of the school semester.

Explore the World with AESU!

Are you ready to plan the adventure of a lifetime? AESU offers unique, thrilling travel programs for college students and young professionals at affordable rates. Each trip is action-packed and informal—designed just for people your own age. We are also able to design custom tours just for your group.

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